PreSonus StudioLive 32 Series III Digital Mixer

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₹227,109.52 (tax incl.) ₹252,400.00
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MODEL                             StudioLive 32 Series

BRAND                             PRESONUS

PRODUCT                        DIGITAL CONSOLE                       

WEIGHT                           16 KG

CONNECTIVITY               XLR



      Powered by the new dual-core PreSonus FLEX DSP Engine to provide the most processing of any digital mixer in its class

      40 input-channel digital mixer with 33 touch-sensitive motorized faders

      32 local digitally controlled XMAX mic/line inputs

      2 balanced stereo aux inputs

      1 stereo tape input (RCA, Bluetooth, USB, AVB or SD)

      4 FLEX FX returns

      1 Talkback

      26 mix buses

      16 FlexMixes (Aux, Subgroup, Matrix)

      4 dedicated FLEX FX buses

      4 dedicated subgroups

      Stereo Main bus

      286 simultaneous processors


      Gate / Expander

      Compressor with Fat Channel plug-in models

      4-band/6-band parametric EQ with Fat Channel plug-in models


      31-band Graphic EQ

      4 FLEX FX slots featuring legendary classic reverb emulations and delays

      State Space-Modeled Fat Channel compressor and EQ plug-ins available on every input channel and output bus

      FLEX FX multi-effects processor with 4 slots to load legendary reverb emulations and delays with 4 dedicated effects buses

      24 DCAs to control groups of channels

      128-channel (64x64) recording over USB

      Onboard multi-channel SD recorder (34x34) with true Virtual Soundcheck mode

      AVB Networking onboard (64x64) to connect with other mixers, NSB-series stage boxes, EarMix 16M personal monitor mixers and more

      User Profiles for managing multiple operators with custom permissions

      Per channel digital patching from any analog, AVB, USB, or SD Card source

      DAW Control

      Advanced Studio One control integration

      MCU emulation mode optimized for Logic

      HUI emulation mode optimized for ProTools

      Remote control every mix function from your computer, iPad, or Android tablet with UC Surface (included)

      Put your musicians’ monitor mix under their fingers with QMix-UC (included) for iOS or Android

      Capture 3.0 multitrack software included

      Automated Virtual Soundcheck

      Store StudioLive mix scenes with your audio

      Advanced Studio One integration (Studio One Professional Included)

      XMAX mic preamp control from Studio One

      Control Fat Channel parameters from Studio One mixing console



PreSonus built our reputation designing great-sounding analog circuits for critical studio recording environments, and we put all of that experience into designing the StudioLive 32 digital mixer. In 1995, PreSonus patented digital control over analog circuits with our first studio product. Building on this legacy, we created a separate digital volume-control circuit ahead of our lauded analog XMAX mic preamp design, providing the convenience of digital recall without sacrificing fidelity. This allows the StudioLive 32 mic preamps to be remote-controlled with UC Surface software or Studio One, and when you load a StudioLive 32 mixer scene, the mic preamp trim values can also be recalled along with the other settings.

The back panel of a StudioLive 32 digital mixer is equipped with plenty of local analog I/O. 32 local analog mic/line channel inputs make it easy to connect a variety of gear. 16 local mix outputs let you route to floor monitors, delay stacks and more. But the local I/O is only half the story. Connect your StudioLive 32 digital mixer to an AVB audio network and add remote inputs and outputs anywhere

With 128 channels (64x64) of USB I/O, the StudioLive 32 is not just the best digital mixer for live sound recording; it’s the best digital mixer for the studio as well. Each channel can independently access its analog input or its dedicated digital return from your computer. And recording is simple and easy. Studio One and the StudioLive 32 digital mixer are the perfect pair to elevate your studio recordings. Remote control the StudioLive 32’s recallable XMAX mic preamps and Fat Channel processing with Studio One for low-latency recording with effects. Press the DAW button your StudioLive 32 digital mixer and use the 33 touch-sensitive motorized faders to control your Studio One mix. Seamless integration and thoughtful bidirectional control with Studio One make the StudioLive 32 the best mixing console for the modern recording studio.

The dynamic Fat Channel on the StudioLive 32 digital mixer puts critical EQ and Dynamics functions beneath your fingertips while giving you fast access to every parameter via the full-color touchscreen or from the Fat Channel encoders, depending on how you like to work. The StudioLive 32 digital mixer comes with ten vintage EQ and classic compressor Fat Channel plug-in models that can be used onboard your mixer as well as within Studio One. And when you’re ready for more options, PreSonus offers four Fat Channel plug-in collections with fifteen additional models from which to choose, giving you a host of new signal processing options. While Fat Channel plug-ins are available for every input channel, every output bus on the StudioLive 32 digital mixer is equipped with a fully variable 6-band parametric EQ, compressor, and limiter. Now you can enjoy extensive, studio-style processing whether recording in the studio or running shows on the road.


      अपनी कक्षा में किसी भी डिजिटल मिक्सर की सबसे अधिक प्रोसेसिंग प्रदान करने के लिए नए डुअल-कोर प्रीसोनस फ्लेक्स डीएसपी इंजन द्वारा संचालित

      33 टच-सेंसिटिव मोटराइज्ड फेडर के साथ 40 इनपुट-चैनल डिजिटल मिक्सर

      32 स्थानीय डिजिटल रूप से नियंत्रित एक्समैक्स माइक/लाइन इनपुट

      2 संतुलित स्टीरियो ऑक्स इनपुट

      1 स्टीरियो टेप इनपुट (आरसीए, ब्लूटूथ, यूएसबी, एवीबी या एसडी)

      4 फ्लेक्स एफएक्स रिटर्न

      1 टॉकबैक

      26 मिक्स बसें

      16 फ्लेक्समिक्स (औक्स, सबग्रुप, मैट्रिक्स)

      4 समर्पित फ्लेक्स एफएक्स बसें

      4 समर्पित उपसमूह

      स्टीरियो मुख्य बस

      286 एक साथ प्रोसेसर



      फैट चैनल प्लग-इन मॉडल के साथ कंप्रेसर

      फैट चैनल प्लग-इन मॉडल के साथ 4-बैंड/6-बैंड पैरामीट्रिक ईक्यू


      31-बैंड ग्राफिक ईक्यू

      4 फ्लेक्स एफएक्स स्लॉट जिसमें प्रसिद्ध क्लासिक रीवरब इम्यूलेशन और विलंब शामिल हैं

      स्टेट स्पेस-मॉडल फैट चैनल कंप्रेसर और ईक्यू प्लग-इन प्रत्येक इनपुट चैनल और आउटपुट बस पर उपलब्ध हैं

      4 स्लॉट के साथ फ्लेक्स एफएक्स मल्टी-इफेक्ट्स प्रोसेसर, 4 समर्पित इफेक्ट्स बसों के साथ प्रसिद्ध रीवरब इम्यूलेशन और देरी को लोड करने के लिए

      चैनलों के समूहों को नियंत्रित करने के लिए 24 डीसीए

      यूएसबी पर 128-चैनल (64x64) रिकॉर्डिंग

      ट्रू वर्चुअल साउंडचेक मोड के साथ ऑनबोर्ड मल्टी-चैनल एसडी रिकॉर्डर (34x34)

      अन्य मिक्सर, एनएसबी-सीरीज़ स्टेज बॉक्स, ईयरमिक्स 16एम पर्सनल मॉनिटर मिक्सर और अन्य के साथ जुड़ने के लिए एवीबी नेटवर्किंग ऑनबोर्ड (64x64)

      कस्टम अनुमतियों के साथ एकाधिक ऑपरेटरों के प्रबंधन के लिए उपयोगकर्ता प्रोफ़ाइल

      किसी भी एनालॉग, एवीबी, यूएसबी, या एसडी कार्ड स्रोत से प्रति चैनल डिजिटल पैचिंग

      DAW नियंत्रण

      उन्नत स्टूडियो वन नियंत्रण एकीकरण

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