Yamaha Clavinova CLP-775 PE Digital Piano

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₹285,991.20 (tax incl.) ₹324,990.00
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MODEL                    CLP-775 PE

BRAND                    YAMAHA


WEIGHT                   106 KG

KEY                          88



GrandTouch™ keyboard

Yamaha’s latest keyboard action features a broad dynamic range and faithful response to every nuance of touch that puts a wide expanse of tone—from delicate to bold—at the pianist’s fingertips. The highly consistent grand piano hammers replicate the pleasing response felt when the hammers strike the strings, enabling precise control of the tone. Highly absorbent synthetic-ivory white keys and synthetic-ebony black keys prevent slipping even during extended play and feel just like those of a grand piano.

GrandTouch keyboard features wooden keys that showcase Yamaha’s expertise with wood for pianos. Just as with grand piano keyboards, the solid wood is cut from the very best parts of well-dried lumber, making the keys more resistant to warping than keyboards made of laminated wood. The wooden texture and structure of the keys create a more grand piano-like feel.



Leverage your artistic expression

When playing a digital piano, the back area of the keys may prove to be a challenge to full musical expression. This is because the back of the key is closest to the fulcrum of the action. The closer to this pivot point that you strike the key, the less leverage you have and the more strength you need to apply. The greater length of GrandTouch keys give the player MORE leverage, allowing for better expressive control, even at the backs of the keys. This is the same support length found on the Yamaha S3X premium grand piano (as of July 2020), and is the longest support length used on any digital piano.


88-key Linear Graded Hammers—the first digital piano keyboard ever to feature realistic weighting on every key

Every single key on a grand piano keyboard is weighted differently. This is because the strings for each note are slightly thinner and shorter in the treble register, becoming thicker and longer towards the bass register. The 88-key Linear Graded Hammers of the Clavinova is the first-of-its-kind to faithfully duplicate this graded touch with differing weights and key return on each one of its keys. This results in a feel and response that is astonishingly like that of a grand piano, and allows players to gain an appreciation of a more authentic touch.


Escapement mechanism of Clavinova keyboards

The escapement mechanism in a grand piano moves the hammers away from the strings quickly after they strike them, in order to prevent any interference with string vibration. This mechanism produces a slight clicking sensation when the keys are pressed gently.

The Clavinova keyboards feature an escapement mechanism that reproduces this sensation near the bottom of the key dip. They have been designed in such a way that the click is discernible only on the lightest keystrokes, similar to the keyboard of a grand piano. These keyboards have been adjusted to provide additional friction that balances key repetition and response without impeding performance.



The GP Response Damper Pedal

Using the damper pedal subtly alters the nature of a piano’s sound and is essential to providing the pianist with all the necessary expressive tools to convey their musical vision.

Clavinova digital pianos feature a damper pedal that continually detects depression depth and allows halfpedaling, which lets players make minute adjustments to pedal depression and return, changing the depth and character of their piano sound.

The GP Response Damper Pedal offers a grand piano-style resistance curve, starting out light to the touch and growing heavier as the pedal is depressed further. This allows players to become accustomed to the nuances of delicate pedaling.


Design philosophy

Clavinova pianos boast excellent playability and versatile functions, along with a refined, authentic design that blends a compact form with modern aesthetics in a manner befitting the instrument that sets the contemporary standard for pianos. At the heart of the Clavinova design concept is the way the player feels when they take their seat in front of a Clavinova piano. Unnecessary elements are removed from the player’s field of vision to create a convincingly natural space that feels just like sitting at an acoustic piano. This represents Yamaha’s consideration to players who practice on Clavinova and perform on grand pianos—they are able to take the stage free of tension or worry because everything feels normal, as it should. A Clavinova piano is a part of the player’s everyday life—contemporary accents and color variation are available to mesh with any interior design or lifestyle.



Touch sensor control panel

The touch panel only displays text when it is on—when the panel is off, it has the smooth finish of a keyblock.



Leverage your artistic expression

When playing a digital piano, the back area of the keys may prove to be a challenge to full musical expression. This is because the back of the key is closest to the fulcrum of the action. The closer to this pivot point that you strike the key, the less leverage you have and the more strength you need to apply. The greater length of GrandTouch keys give the player MORE leverage, allowing for better expressive control, even at the backs of the keys. This is the same support length found on the Yamaha S3X premium grand piano (as of July 2020), and is the longest support length used on any digital piano.



यामाहा के नवीनतम कीबोर्ड एक्शन में व्यापक गतिशील रेंज और स्पर्श की हर बारीकियों के प्रति वफादार प्रतिक्रिया होती है जो पियानोवादक की उंगलियों पर नाजुक से बोल्ड तक टोन का विस्तृत विस्तार रखती है। अत्यधिक सुसंगत भव्य पियानो हथौड़े उस सुखद प्रतिक्रिया को दोहराते हैं जो तब महसूस होती है जब हथौड़े तारों पर प्रहार करते हैं, जिससे स्वर का सटीक नियंत्रण संभव हो जाता है। अत्यधिक अवशोषक सिंथेटिक-आइवरी सफेद चाबियाँ और सिंथेटिक-आबनूस काली चाबियाँ विस्तारित खेल के दौरान भी फिसलने से रोकती हैं और एक भव्य पियानो की तरह महसूस होती हैं।

ग्रैंडटच कीबोर्ड में लकड़ी की चाबियाँ हैं जो पियानो के लिए लकड़ी के मामले में यामाहा की विशेषज्ञता को प्रदर्शित करती हैं। ग्रैंड पियानो कीबोर्ड की तरह, ठोस लकड़ी को अच्छी तरह से सूखी लकड़ी के सबसे अच्छे हिस्सों से काटा जाता है, जिससे लैमिनेटेड लकड़ी से बने कीबोर्ड की तुलना में चाबियाँ विकृत होने के प्रति अधिक प्रतिरोधी हो जाती हैं। चाबियों की लकड़ी की बनावट और संरचना अधिक भव्य पियानो जैसी अनुभूति पैदा करती है।


अपनी कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति का लाभ उठाएँ

डिजिटल पियानो बजाते समय, चाबियों का पिछला क्षेत्र पूर्ण संगीत अभिव्यक्ति के लिए एक चुनौती साबित हो सकता है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि कुंजी का पिछला भाग क्रिया के आधार के सबसे करीब होता है। इस धुरी बिंदु Read moreShow less

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