Ernie Ball Slinky Nickel Wound Electric Guitar Strings ( Multiple Gauges )


BRAND                   Ernie Ball

MODEL                   Slinky Nickel Wound

PRODUCT              Electric Guitar Strings

GAUGE                   Multi


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Limited special offer
₹561.45 (tax incl.) ₹591.00
String Gauges
  • .007-.036
  • .008-.038
  • .008-.042
  • .0085-.040
  • .009-.042
  • .009-.046
  • .0095-.044
  • .0095-.046
  • .010-.046
  • .010-.048
  • .010-.052
  • .010-.054
  • .0105-.048
  • .0105-.052
  • .011-.048
  • .011-.052
  • .011-.054
  • .012-.056
  • .012-.062
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Ernie Ball Slinky Nickel Wound Electric Guitar Strings are a popular choice among guitarists for their versatile tone and exceptional playability. These strings are renowned for their bright, balanced sound and responsive feel, making them suitable for a wide range of musical styles.

Constructed with a high-carbon steel core and nickel-plated steel winding, Ernie Ball Slinky strings offer a smooth, comfortable touch while maintaining durability. The nickel plating ensures a clear, articulate tone with a touch of warmth, ideal for both rhythm and lead playing. 

Gauges .007, .009, .013, .020w, .026, .036,

Gauges .008, .011, .014, .022w, .030, .038

Gauges .0085, .011, .015, .022w, .030, .040

Gauges .008, .011, .014, .024w, .032, .042

Gauges .009, .011, .016, .024w, .032, .042

Gauges .0095, .012, .016, .024, .034, .044

Gauges .009, .011, .016, .026, .036, .046

Gauges .0095, .012, .016, .026, .036, .046

Gauges .010, .013, .017, .026, .036, .046

Gauges .010, .013, .017, .028, .038, .048

Gauges .0105, .0135, .0175, .028, .038, .048

Gauges .010, .013, .017, .030, .042, .052

Gauges .010, .013, .017, .030, .042, .052

Gauges .0105, .0135, .0175, .030, .042, .052

Gauges .010, .013, .017, .032, .044, .054

Gauges .011, .014, .018p, .028, .038, .048

Gauges .011, .014, .018p, .030, .042, .052

Gauges .011, .015, .022p, .030, .042, .054

Gauges .012 .016 .024p .032 .044 .056

Gauges .012, .016, .022w, .032, .044, .056

Gauges .012, .016, .024w, .034, .048, .062

एर्नी बॉल स्लिंकी निकेल वाउंड इलेक्ट्रिक गिटार स्ट्रिंग्स अपने बहुमुखी स्वर और असाधारण बजाने के लिए गिटारवादकों के बीच एक लोकप्रिय पसंद हैं। ये तार अपनी उज्ज्वल, संतुलित ध्वनि और प्रतिक्रियाशील अनुभव के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं, जो उन्हें संगीत शैलियों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला के लिए उपयुक्त बनाता है।

हाई-कार्बन स्टील कोर और निकेल-प्लेटेड स्टील वाइंडिंग के साथ निर्मित, एर्नी बॉल स्लिंकी स्ट्रिंग्स स्थायित्व बनाए रखते हुए एक सहज, आरामदायक स्पर्श प्रदान करते हैं। निकल चढ़ाना गर्माहट के स्पर्श के साथ एक स्पष्ट, स्पष्ट स्वर सुनिश्चित करता है, जो लय और लीड वादन दोनों के लिए आदर्श है।

गेज .007, .009, .013, .020w, .026, .036,

गेज .008, .011, .014, .022w, .030, .038

गेज .0085, .011, .015, .022w, .030, .040

गेज .008, .011, .014, .024w, .032, .042

गेज .009, .011, .016, .024w, .032, .042

गेज .0095, .012, .016, .024, .034, .044

गेज .009, .011, .016, .026, .036, .046

गेज .0095, .012, .016, .026, .036, .046

गेज .010, .013, .017, .026, .036, .046

गेज .010, .013, .017, .028, .038, .048

गेज .0105, .0135, .0175, .028, .038, .048

गेज .010, .013, .017, .030, .042, .052

गेज .010, .013, .017, .030, .042, .052

गेज .0105, .0135, .0175, .030, .042, .052

गेज .010, .013, .017, .032, .044, .054

गेज .011, .014, .018पी, .028, .038, .048

गेज .011, .014, .018पी, .030, .042, .052

गेज .011, .015, .022पी, .030, .042, .054

गेज .012 .016 .024p .032 .044 .056

गेज .012, .016, .022w, .032, .044, .056

गेज .012, .016, .024w, .034, .048, .062


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