MODEL Portico II Master Buss
BRAND Rupert Neve Designs
PRODUCT Bus Transformer
The MBP’s two compressor sections allow virtually limitless possibilities in dynamics for either dual mono or stereo sources, with controls for ratio, threshold, attack, release, blend, side chain HPF, limit and make up gain. When engaged, the compressor section can be used in both feed-forward and feed-back modes to provide a transparent “modern” response (feed-forward), or a smoother, more musical “vintage” response (feed-back). Peak mode alters the compressor’s attack to react to peak transients with a roughly .1ms response time. When the Peak switch is disengaged, the compressor responds to the RMS signal in conjunction with the attack and release settings.
SC HPF inserts a high pass filter at 125 Hz into the side chain to deal with intense low frequencies that may skew the response of the VCA with certain songs and instruments. And lastly, Blend creates a parallel mix between the compressed and dry signals. By mixing the compressed and dry signals, it is possible to increase the volume of quieter elements in the source material (for instance, delicate snare brushing on a track with much louder hits), while maintaining a natural dynamic feel for the louder elements.
This 31-detent potentiometer adjusts the level at which the compressor begins to attenuate the signal and is fully variable within a signal level range of +20dBu to -30 dBu. If the compressor input signal level exceeds the set threshold level, compression will occur.
This 31-detent potentiometer adjusts the compressor slope between 1:1 to 40:1.
This 31-detent potentiometer adjusts the mix ratio of uncompressed (dry) signal with the compressed (wet) signal. When Blend is fully counter-clockwise (CCW), only the uncompressed signal is audible. When Blend is fully clockwise (CW), only the compressed signal is audible. Setting Blend anywhere between 0% and 100% achieves parallel compression.
Comp In
This illuminated push-button switch engages the compressor-limiter section on its respective channel. Engaging or disengaging the “Comp In” button never affects SILK status and will not affect SFE status unless SFE to COMP is engaged.
Bypass All
This illuminated push-button switch toggles the PIIMB’s hard-wire bypass on both channels.
This illuminated push-button switch toggles between two different compression modes: Feed Forward and Feed Back. The distinction between these two types of compression is that the side-chain detector of a feed-forward compressor is fed from the compressor input, before the gain control element, while the side-chain detector of a feed-back compressor is fed from the compressor output, after the gain control element.
This 31-detent potentiometer provides two different functions. When used with the compressor, the Gain control acts as standard Make-Up Gain, allowing the user to add gain to the compressed signal to match the bypassed signal level. When used in the context of the PIIMB limiter, the Gain control allows the user to set the desired “ceiling” of their mix (in dBu) with the “Limit” potentiometer. Once the Limit potentiometer is set to the desired maximum level, the user can increase the Gain until the average mix level hits the desired loudness. The Gain control will drive the level of the mix up to the set Limiter threshold, but will not exceed it.
This 31-detent potentiometer sets how quickly the compressor will attenuate to the input signal once it exceeds the set threshold. When set to its fastest setting (20 ms), the compressor can attenuate the leading edge of a transient, like the initial strike of a drum stick on a snare drum. By compressing the inital strike, the overall compression result will increase the emphasis of the snare’s decay or resonance. When set to slower attack settings, the compressor will ignore most of the initial transient and attenuate the drum’s decay instead, thereby increasing the emphasis of the drum stick hitting the snare drum.
This 31-detent potentiometer adjusts how fast the compressor will return to unity gain after the signal level crosses below the threshold. Generally, slower release times will minimize compression artifacts, especially when combined with slower attack times. Faster release times can be utilized to maximize apparent loudness.
S/C 125 Hz
This illuminated push-button switch engages a 125Hz 12dB/octave Sallen Key High Pass Filter into the compressor-limiter side-chain. Removing low frequency information from the compressor-limiter side-chain detector can help to minimize compressor pumping and over-compression of the rhythmic dynamic information that tends to reside in the lower frequency range: kick drums, bass guitar, etc. This usually results in a smoother compression characteristic.
This illuminated push-button switch modifies the compressor side-chain detection. The default detection response is RMS (Root Mean Square) averaged, which better mimics the way our ears perceive loudness. PEAK mode detection responds more directly to the incoming compressor audio signal, which can be used to prevent clipping and maximize overall loudness.
The link control sums the side-chain information from both compressor-limiter channels, enabling Channel A’s controls as MASTER. While linked, both channels are directly controlled by Channel A’s controls.
This 31-detent potentiometer controls the threshold of the soft-clip limiter section. The limiter is disengaged until the user rotates the Limit potentiometer past the 3rd detent (+24dBu) from the fully clock-wise (OFF) position. As the user rotates the threshold control counter clock-wise, the limiter’s release time gradually increases. This creates a smoother dynamic response as the amount of limiting increases. The limiter side-chain features a compound timing network that allows the limiter to respond equally well to quick transient material as it does to less dynamic program material. The limiter can be utilized as a maximizer by setting the Limit potentiometer to the desired maximum level in dBu, then increasing the amount of Gain until the desired program loudness is achieved.
Depth (engaged / disengaged with the ‘Depth In’ switch)
This 31-detent potentiometer adjusts the overall level of the center (mid) information within the SFE’s M-S encoding. The MIN (fully CCW) position will de-emphasize the center information within the stereo image, whereas the MAX (fully CW) position will emphasize the center information. If the Depth control is at the 12 o’clock “0” position, no Depth pro- cessing will be audible.
Width (engaged / disengaged with the ‘Width In’ switch)
This 31-detent potentiometer adjusts the overall level of the side information within the SFE’s M-S encoding. The MIN (fully CCW) position will de-emphasize the side information within the stereo image, wheras the MAX (fully CW) posi- tion will emphasize the side information. If the Width control is at the 12 o’clock “0” position, no Width processing will be audible.
Depth EQ
This illuminated push-button switch engages the 4-position rotary switch that allows the user to select between four different EQ settings for Depth processing: Low Frequency (LF), Low Mid (LM), High Mid (HM), and High Frequency (HF).
Width EQ
This illuminated push-button switch engages the 4-position rotary switch that allows the user to select between four different EQ settings for Width processing: Low Frequency (LF), Low Mid (LM), High Mid (HM), and High Frequency (HF).
SFE to Comp
This illuminated push-button switch routes the Depth and Width information to Channel A and Channel B compressor paths, respectively, allowing the user to manipulate the dynamic content of the Mid and Side information. When engaged, the width and depth controls allow the user to blend the amount of compressed Mid and Side information that is mixed back into the audio path. While SFE to Comp is engaged, the stereo compressor is only available for SFE dynamic processing and is not operational within the main audio path.
This illuminated push-button switch toggles through the available SILK transformer harmonic saturation modes: OFF, RED, and BLUE. Red Silk has a high frequency emphasis associated with the transformer harmonics, while Blue Silk has a low frequency emphasis associated with the transformer harmonics.
This 31-detent potentiometer allows the user to adjust the amount of Silk transformer saturation added to the signal path when Silk Red or Blue modes are engaged.
Gain Reduction Meter
This 16 segment LED bar-graph meter indicates compressor-limiter gain reduction, indicated in dB. After 4 dB of attenuation, the LEDs turn to amber and after 8 dB, the LEDs turn red.
Output Meter
This 16-segment LED bar-graph meter indicates output level, indicated in dBu. The top-most red LED is calibrated to illuminate at +25dBu, corresponding to the maximum output level of the Master Buss Processor.
Side Chain Send/Return
External compressor side chain send and return on 2 x TRS jacks. The send is always active and normalled to the return. NOTE: If the send and return are connected to a patchbay, the send should be normalled or connected to the return by default, as the compressor will not trigger if the return has no signal.
Internal Universal Power Supply
EIC connection for world-wide AC power from 100-240V embedded in the 2U rack-mountable chassis.
एमबीपी के दो कंप्रेसर अनुभाग अनुपात, सीमा, हमले, रिलीज, मिश्रण, साइड चेन एचपीएफ, सीमा और मेक अप लाभ के नियंत्रण के साथ दोहरे मोनो या स्टीरियो स्रोतों के लिए गतिशीलता में लगभग असीमित संभावनाओं की अनुमति देते हैं। लगे होने पर, पारदर्शी "आधुनिक" प्रतिक्रिया (फीड-फ़ॉरवर्ड), या एक सहज, अधिक संगीतमय "विंटेज" प्रतिक्रिया (फीड-बैक) प्रदान करने के लिए कंप्रेसर अनुभाग का उपयोग फ़ीड-फ़ॉरवर्ड और फ़ीड-बैक दोनों मोड में किया जा सकता है। पीक मोड लगभग .1ms प्रतिक्रिया समय के साथ पीक ट्रांजिएंट पर प्रतिक्रिया करने के लिए कंप्रेसर के हमले को बदल देता है। जब पीक स्विच बंद हो जाता है, तो कंप्रेसर हमले और रिलीज सेटिंग्स के साथ आरएमएस सिग्नल पर प्रतिक्रिया करता है।
एससी एचपीएफ तीव्र कम आवृत्तियों से निपटने के लिए साइड चेन में 125 हर्ट्ज पर एक उच्च पास फिल्टर डालता है जो कुछ गानों और उपकरणों के साथ वीसीए की प्रतिक्रिया को खराब कर सकता है। और अंत में, ब्लेंड संपीड़ित और शुष्क संकेतों के बीच एक समानांतर मिश्रण बनाता है। संपीड़ित और शुष्क संकेतों को मिलाकर, स्रोत सामग्री में शांत तत्वों की मात्रा को बढ़ाना संभव है (उदाहरण के लिए, ट्रैक पर बहुत तेज़ हिट के साथ नाजुक स्नेयर ब्रशिंग), जबकि तेज़ तत्वों के लिए एक प्राकृतिक गतिशील अनुभव बनाए रखना संभव है।
यह 31-डिटेंट पोटेंशियोमीटर उस स्तर को समायोजित करता है जिस पर कंप्रेसर सिग्नल को कमजोर करना शुरू कर देता है और +20dBu से -30 dBu की सिग्नल स्तर सीमा के भीतर पूरी तरह से परिवर्तनशील होता है। यदि कंप्रेसर इनपुट सिग्नल स्तर निर्धारित सीमा स्तर से अधिक है, तो संपीड़न होगा।
यह 31-डिटेंट पोटेंशियोमीटर कंप्रेसर ढलान को 1:1 से 40:1 के बीच समायोजित करता है।
यह 31-डिटेंट पोटेंशियोमीटर संपीड़ित (गीले) सिग्नल के साथ असम्पीडित (सूखा) सिग्नल के मिश्रण अनुपात को समायोजित करता है। जब ब्लेंड पूरी तरह से वामावर्त (CCW) होता है, तो केवल असम्पीडित सिग्नल ही सुनाई देता है। जब ब्लेंड पूरी तरह से दक्षिणावर्त (सीडब्ल्यू) होता है, तो केवल संपीड़ित सिग्नल