Rupert Neve Designs 551 Inductor EQ

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₹92,198.75 (tax incl.) ₹102,500.00
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MODEL                            551 Inductor EQ

BRAND                            Rupert Neve Designs                            

PRODUCT                        Inductor EQ                       

COLOUR                          WHITE   


Engages all bands of the equalizer except the high-pass filter.

8K / 16K + HF LEVEL
With the switch out, the center or corner frequency of the high band is 8 kHz. With the button pressed, the center or corner frequency changes to 16 kHz. Between this switch and the HI PEAK switch, you have 4 different EQ curves to finesse the high frequency content. The HF knob adjusts up to 15 dB of boost or cut at the selected high frequency.

When the button is out, the high frequency band operates in shelf mode, boosting or cutting above the corner frequency at approximately 6 dB/octave. Below the corner frequency the amount of boost or cut gradually diminishes. With the HI PEAK button pressed, the high frequency band changes to peak mode with a bell shaped boost or cut curve. The peak mode utilizes an inductor and capacitor circuit to create the bell-shaped curve.

The MID FREQ rotary switch has 6 positions to select the center frequency of the mid band EQ stage. This circuit utilizes an inductor and capacitors to shape the EQ curve, in the same way as Rupert Neve’s console designs of the 70’s. The frequencies chosen are 200 Hz, 350 Hz, 700 Hz, 1.5kHz, 3 kHz and 6 kHz. 200 Hz is especially useful for cuts on individual tracks within a dense mix. The MID knob adjusts up to 15 dB of boost or cut at the selected mid frequency.

The resonance (or Q) of the mid band at maximum boost is typically 2 when the button is out. When the MID HI Q is pressed at maximum boost, the Q narrows to approximately 3.5. The Q widens nicely with less boost or cut, as is typical for passive EQ circuits.

Engages an 12dB per octave High Pass Filter with an 80Hz corner frequency.

The LOW FREQ rotary switch has 4 positions for selecting one of four corner or center frequencies for the low band EQ section. The frequencies are 35 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz and 220 Hz. The LF knob adjusts up to 15 dB of boost or cut at the selected low frequency. Cut can be used as a variable (and perhaps more gentle) alternative to using the HPF.

When the button is out, the low frequency band operates in shelf mode, boosting or cutting below the corner frequency. Above the corner frequency the amount of boost or cut gradually diminishes at approximately 6 dB/octave. With the LO PEAK button pressed the low frequency band changes to peak mode with a bell shaped boost or cut curve.


ईक्यू इन

हाई-पास फ़िल्टर को छोड़कर इक्वलाइज़र के सभी बैंड संलग्न करता है।

8के/16के + एचएफ स्तर

स्विच आउट के साथ, उच्च बैंड की केंद्र या कोने की आवृत्ति 8 kHz है। बटन दबाने पर केंद्र या कोने की आवृत्ति 16 किलोहर्ट्ज़ में बदल जाती है। इस स्विच और HI PEAK स्विच के बीच, आपके पास उच्च आवृत्ति सामग्री को बेहतर बनाने के लिए 4 अलग-अलग EQ वक्र हैं। एचएफ नॉब चयनित उच्च आवृत्ति पर 15 डीबी तक के बूस्ट या कट को समायोजित करता है।

हाय पीक

जब बटन बाहर होता है, तो उच्च आवृत्ति बैंड शेल्फ मोड में काम करता है, लगभग 6 डीबी/ऑक्टेव पर कोने की आवृत्ति को बढ़ाता या काटता है। कोने की आवृत्ति के नीचे बूस्ट या कट की मात्रा धीरे-धीरे कम हो जाती है। HI PEAK बटन दबाने पर, उच्च आवृत्ति बैंड घंटी के आकार के बूस्ट या कट कर्व के साथ पीक मोड में बदल जाता है। पीक मोड घंटी के आकार का वक्र बनाने के लिए एक प्रारंभ करनेवाला और कैपेसिटर सर्किट का उपयोग करता है।

मध्य आवृत्ति + मध्य स्तर

मध्य बैंड EQ चरण की केंद्र आवृत्ति का चयन करने के लिए MID FREQ रोटरी स्विच में 6 स्थितियाँ हैं। यह सर्किट 70 के दशक के रूपर्ट नेव के कंसोल डिज़ाइन की तरह ही ईक्यू वक्र को आकार देने के लिए एक प्रारंभकर्ता और कैपेसिटर का उपयोग करता है। चुनी गई आवृत्तियाँ 200 हर्ट्ज, 350 हर्ट्ज, 700 हर्ट्ज, 1.5 किलोहर्ट्ज़, 3 किलोहर्ट्ज़ और 6 किलोहर्ट्ज़ हैं। 200 हर्ट्ज सघन मिश्रण के भीतर अलग-अलग ट्रैक पर कटौती के लिए विशेष रूप से उपयोगी है। एमआईडी नॉब चयनित मध्य आवृत्ति पर 15 डीबी तक के बूस्ट या कट को समायोजित करता है।

मध्य हाय प्र

बटन बंद होने पर अधिकतम बूस्ट पर मध्य बैंड की प्रतिध्वनि (या Q) आमतौर पर 2 होती है। जब MID HI Q को अधिकतम बूस्ट पर दबाया जाता है, तो Q लगभग 3.5 तक सीमित हो जाता है। क्यू कम बूस्ट या कट के साथ अच्छी तरह से चौड़ा हो जाता है, जैसा कि निष्क्रिय ईक्यू सर्किट के लिए विशिष्ट है।


80Hz कॉर्नर फ़्रीक्वेंसी के साथ 12dB प्रति ऑक्टेव हाई पास फ़िल्टर संलग्न करता है।

निम्न आवृत्ति + एलएफ स्तर


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